Monday, 23 February 2009

dbcc dbreboot

dbcc dbreboot


_ report – Shows a report on the specified database(s).

_ reboot – Database is shutdown and restarted with recovery.

_ reboot_norecovery – Database is shutdown and restarted and left in

a “not recovered” state. Can be used to add more space.

_ shutdown – Database is shutdown and left in an unusable state.

_ shutdown_load – Database is shutdown and left in a state that

allows LOAD DATABASE to be done.

_ restart – Restart and recover a database that has been shutdown.

_ restart_norecovery – Restart database and left in a “not recovered”

state. Good when there are problems with recovery.

Thursday, 19 February 2009

Installing MDA/Monitoring tables in ASE

Adaptive Server includes a set of system tables that contains monitoring and diagnostic informations. Known as “MonTables” or MDA tables, they provide a “statistical snapshot” of the state of ASE. You can query these system tables pretty much as the same way you query any other tables.

Installation steps
Before querying the MDA tables, they must have been installed first, and some ASE configuration parameters must have been set.
Follow these installation steps:
-- First, ensure that the configuration parameter
-- 'enable cis' is set to 1 (if not, an ASE
-- restart is needed)
sp_configure 'enable cis', 1

-- Add 'loopback' server name alias (assuming @@servername
-- is also defined in the interfaces file)
-- (NB: this step is no longer required in 15.0 ESD#2 or later)
use master
sp_addserver loopback, null, @@servername

-- Test this configuration:
-- (NB: this step is no longer required in 15.0 ESD#2 or later)
set cis_rpc_handling on
-- Alternatively, run:
-- sp_configure 'cis rpc handling', 1
-- ...and disconnect/reconnect your session

exec loopback...sp_who -- note: 3 dots!

-- Install the MDA tables. Important: do NOT run this
-- script with 'sqsh' as it'll give errors: 'sqsh' sees
-- a '$' as the start of a sqsh variable, and this messes
-- up the native RPC names, since these start with a
-- '$' as well.
-- Solution: either usq 'isql' as below, or run 'sqsh'
-- with the '-Lexpand=0' option to disable sqsh's
-- variable expansion feature (thanks to Paul Harrington
-- for this tip).
-- (NB: as of ASE 15.0.2, this script is part of 'installmaster')
isql -U sa -P yourpassword -S YOURSERVER \
-i $SYBASE/$SYBASE_ASE/scripts/installmontables

-- Assign 'mon_role' to logins allowed MDA access
-- (this also applies to the 'sa' login!)
use master
grant role mon_role to sa
-- grant to other logins or roles here, as needed

-- Test basic MDA configuration:
-- (note: you may need to disconnect/reconnect first
-- to activate 'mon_role' when you just granted this
-- role to the login you're currently using)
select * from master..monState

-- Now enable all configuration parameters;
-- these are all dynamic (except the last one)
-- For all 'pipe' tables, the number of
-- messages is set to 100 here, but you may want
-- to choose a large size.
sp_configure "enable monitoring", 1
sp_configure "sql text pipe active", 1
sp_configure "sql text pipe max messages", 100
-- keep this disabled if you don't need query plan info
-- and you want to limit performance impact
--sp_configure "plan text pipe active", 1
sp_configure "plan text pipe max messages", 100
sp_configure "statement pipe active", 1
sp_configure "statement pipe max messages", 100
sp_configure "errorlog pipe active", 1
sp_configure "errorlog pipe max messages", 100
sp_configure "deadlock pipe active", 1
sp_configure "deadlock pipe max messages", 100
sp_configure "wait event timing", 1
sp_configure "process wait events", 1
sp_configure "object lockwait timing", 1
sp_configure "SQL batch capture", 1
sp_configure "statement statistics active", 1
sp_configure "per object statistics active", 1

-- As of ASE 15.0.2, also run the following one:
sp_configure "enable stmt cache monitoring", 1

-- This is the only static parameter. Set to
-- a higher value (the setting is in bytes
-- per user connection) if you're expecting
-- a lot of (or long) SQL batches
sp_configure "max SQL text monitored", 2048

-- The following option must be enabled only when
-- using DBXRay, so it is not relevant when only
-- using the MDA tables directly. It is mainly
-- included here for completeness and to pre-empt
-- your questions...
sp_configure "performance monitoring option", 1
Sent from my iPhone

Make a database offline

dbcc dbreboot

but this would not be a supported option.